Welcome! The registration is closed.

If you are a member of the press or if you missed your registration deadline but would still like to register, write an email to communication@scioi.de.

Join us for a Day of excellent talks and live demonstrations surrounding intelligence research!

Welcome to the online registration for the SCIoI Fair, the very first conference and exhibition of the Cluster of Excellence Science of Intelligence (SCIoI) in Berlin! We’re excited to bring together researchers, politicians, and scholars from various fields to discuss the latest developments in the science of intelligence.

This conference is a unique opportunity for attendees to learn from leading experts, exchange ideas, and engage in live demonstrations through several exhibits straight from the labs! With its varied program, the conference reflects the interdisciplinary orientation of the work in the Cluster and covers a broad spectrum of contributions from different disciplines.

The event is aimed at people from the fields of science and politics who are interested in understanding the challenges of developing intelligent technologies. The Cluster is concerned with all facets of intelligence: What principles underlie the various forms of intelligence, no matter whether artificial or biological, whether robot, computer program, human, or animal? And how can we apply these principles to create intelligent technology?

We invite you to join us in Berlin for this exciting conference and exhibition and are looking forward to seeing you there!


Registration time has finished!

If you are a member of the press or if you missed your registration deadline but would still like to register, write an email to communication@scioi.de.